101. How long should the Serbian Civil War last roughly?
A few months
102. Can Serbia join the OFN and CPS?
If they're in Italy's sphere then they can join together with them
103. Can any non-German Serbian join the Einheitspakt?
104. How many unique subideologies will Serbia have?
105. Will there be an Esoteric Nazi path for Serbia?
106. How many post-SCW factions will German Serbia have?
Initially you'll have 5 different factions that can lead Serbia
107. Do the Germans have a greater plan for Serbia than it seems right now?
Like making Serbia bigger? Well not really
108. Will Bormann try and create the Reichsland Prinz-Eugen-Land if Hartwig von Ludwiger wins the Serbian Civil War?
He can make Serbia into a protectorate
109. Will Speer try and make Serbia a puppet state if Hartwig von Ludwiger wins the Serbian Civil War?
110. Do you already have any plans for the Speer facelift, the Bormann facelift, the Göring rework and the Heydrich rework?
Not really. Since Goering and Heydrich are still long away
111. What is Hartwig von Ludwiger's economic policy for Serbia?
Exploiting Serbia
112. Will Hartwig von Ludwiger try and boost certain industries in Serbia?
Not really?
113. Will Hartwig von Ludwiger try and invite only certain megaconglomerates into Serbia for economic development and exploitation?
Siemens already has a presence in Serbia
114. Will the Danube play a role in Hartwig von Ludwiger's economic plans for Serbia?
To a degree yes
115. How much will Hartwig von Ludwiger's economic policy change under a Speer Germany?
Not much. Like every Germany will exploit Serbia
116. Will those five different factions have different ideologies on the pie chart?
By factions I meant different heads of states. e.g: Ludwiger, Rankovic, Cosic, Musicki, etc...
117. Does each faction in German Serbia have a specific name?
Ah I misunderstood your question then. The details for that are still pretty TBD
118. Can every of these five factions lead German Serbia?
Well some factions are likelier to get their way than others. It also depends on the Fuhrer
119. Are you allowed to share each faction leader of these five factions in German Serbia?
Well the notable ones would be the Collabs, the Volkdeutsche, the SS and possibly a few others. Details are still pretty TBD
120. Will those five factions be influenced by the factions in Germany?
121. What does Siemens produce in Serbia?
They direct some mines in Serbia mostly
122. Did Siemens build any Concentration Camps in Serbia for that purpose?
Not really. But people from Serbia forced to work as laborers
123. Will Hartwig von Ludwiger build a dam for more energy production on the Danube?
Haven't really thought about that
124. Will Siemens try and build a highspeed railway line next to the Danube towards Germany?
No, not really? But the German administration as a whole in the region can
125. Will Siemens rule be challanged by other German megacorporations?
Other megacorporations wouldn't be too interested to invest in Serbia
126. Which faction is lead by Ludwiger?
Territory of the Military Commander in Serbia or the German garrison
127. Which faction is lead by Rankovic?
National Liberation Movement
128. Which faction is lead by Cosic?
Young guard of the National Liberation Movement and later on the Socialist Party of Serbia
129. Which faction is lead by Musicki?
ZBOR or the Government of National Salvation
130. Who leads the Serbian SS and the Volksdeutsche faction in Serbia?
Strahinja Janjic, Sepp Lapp and Sepp Janko 131. Will the SS in Serbia be classified as EsoNaz or NatSoc like the SS in Ukraine?
131. Both
132. What subideology does the SS in Serbia have?
132. Still pretty TBD regarding that. Though if it were to have an SS path it'd likely be EsoNaz
133. Is there infighting within the Serbian SS?
133. No, not really
134. Where there more Waffen-SS divisions in TNOTL than OTL?
134. No
135. Is the SS leading Serbia the worst outcome for Serbia?
135. TBD
136. Will the SS build more concentration camps in Serbia if they gain more influence?
137. What is the Serbian relation with Himmler like?
Just bad. Like there isn't anyone of not that really likes Himmler
138. What is the Serbian relation with Heydrich like?
"respect to heydrich from serbia"
"what is it that heydrich did that you respect him for?"
"ruined germany"
139. Will the Serbian SS still exist if Bormann, Speer or Göring wins the German Civil War?
In most cases yeah
140. Will the Serbian SS rename the nation to something more SS like if they get their own path?
141. What Serbian paths will tolerate the SS in Serbia?
If Ludwiger wins in Germany then the paths that result from that will tolerate the SS
142. Will the Chetniks try and pardon members of the Serbian SS?
In most cases they won't
143. What is the relation between the Serbian SS and Ludwiger like?
He's basically the only path which lets them survive/remain relevant
144. What is the relation between the Serbian SS and Rankovic like?
Communist partisans aren't big fans of Nazi bootlickers to say the least
145. What is the relation between the Serbian SS and Musicki like?
Technically the Serbian Volunteer Corps fell under the SS for some time, but mostly operated independently from the organization itself
146. Will Hartwig von Ludwiger stay as the leader of the Serbian Protectorate under Bormann?
147. Does Bormann have any plans to integrate Serbia into Germany like Poland?
Not really since Serbia is isolated from German proper
148. Will Bormann have any decisions in his Großraum Kontinentaleuropa mechanic regarding Serbia?
149. Will Bormann invite another megacorporation into Serbia to create competition there?
Germany will mostly just continue to exploit Serbia like it always has
150. Are there any plans to revive the idea of Reichsfestung Belgrad?
The idea is still a thing at the start of the game. Though besides Belgrade and Banat being more fortified as strongholds, the more out there parts of the plan won't be implemented
151. Does the Kriegsmarine have any presence in Serbia?
It's a landlocked country 🤨
152. Does the Luftwaffe have a major presence in Serbia?
They exist but they aren't very relevant in the grand scheme of things in Serbia
153. Are there any Marine-Einsatz-Kommandos located in Serbia?
154. Does the German Space Program have any presence in Serbia?
155. Are there any other branches of the NSDAP structure that have a major presence in Serbia other than those mentioned already?
156. Will any German paths build up German Serbia to be an Eastern bulwark if Italy joins the OFN or CPS?
Yeah. Serbia will be used as a place to expand German influence in the Balkans
157. Will German Serbia try to expand its borders?
TBD, likely no
158. Will German Serbia be able to collapse a second time?
159. Will the Volksdeutsche faction be able to lead German Serbia?
Not really but they'd basically be the only ones who'd benefit from a German victory in Serbia
160. What is the opinion of the Volksdeutsche towards Germany?
Overall positively
161. Who will lead the Reichsprotektorat Serbian under Bormann?
162. Who will lead the satellite state Serbia under Speer?
Dragomir Jovanović
163. How will the satellite state Serbia be called under Speer?
National/Independent State of Serbia and Reichsprotektorat Prinz-Eugen-Land
164. Will the Go4 be able to turn the satellite state Serbia into a proper democracy in TNO2?
165. Does the Go4 have any allies in Serbia?
Not really. At most you have some more broadly nationalist and anti-communist collaborators