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Ukraine QnA nr3

Questions by Sid McMath answers by Corn

101How big percent of “aryans” would be in population of Heerema’s Ukraine:below 5, between 5 and 10?

101 Ukraine starts a little over 5% at the start of the game, Heerema could possibly raise that to around 7-8% but Germanization isn't his main priority

102Would Heerema make television with some channels in Dutch?

102 Yes

103Would SS have any significant influence or nearly purged in Heerema’s Ukraine?

103 They wouldn't have any real influence as Heerema wouldn't trust most of them for standing by Ohlendorf during the UCW

104Would Heerema use trade unions to control populations?

104 Native Ukrainians wouldn't be allowed to unionize

105Would Heerema give slaves to settlers?

105 Yes, though the settlers wouldn't legally own them, they'd still be considered NOC property

106Would Heerema try to concentrate slaves in blocks of flats?

106 For urban slaves yes

107How would negotiations Heerema-Speer look?

107 Heerema would do the same thing he does for Bormann, say he made Ukraine profitable and stable and using his friend in Germany to incentivize Germany to let him back into the Pakt along with promising some reforms

108Would Heerema try to greatly expand dutch colony in Kharkiv?

108 Yes, a large settler population gives him lots of customers and employees who are completely dependent on (and thus controlled by) him

109Does Heerema want to focus agriculture on some specific plants?

109 Mostly keeping the RK's policy of primarily focusing on wheat production, though Heerema could branch out into other crops wheat would remain the main one

110Would Heerema establish NOC supermarkets through Ukraine?

110 Yes the settlers need places to buy food and having the NOC control that helps them control the settlers even more

111Wouch Dutch become informal state language after german?

111 Not a state language but knowing Dutch would be important to climb the ranks of the NOC and they have massive influence over the state itself

112What is his maximum economic rating?

112 Haven't gotten that far yet

113Would some slaves have better life under Ohlendorf than Heerema?

113 Need to ask Kyiv

114What is Heerema attitude towards religions?

114 He doesn't care that much

115Would Heerema try to bribe Ministry for East to leave him alone?

115 They are pretty powerless by 1962 but if needed he would bribe them

116Can you tell us anything about his megaproject/s?

116 :speertroll:

117Would Heerema to buy some dutch companies in Rk NL?

117 Heerema would 100% try to absorb any Dutch companies operating in Eastern Europe, the Netherlands itself would be less of a priority

118Would Heerema be interested in making deals with Oktan?

118 I'd need to speak to people who work on Russia for that

119Can Heerema visit diplomatically any country outside Pakt?

119 Never diplomatically, business trips to Pakt-friendly countries however could be possible

120Is there any country outside Pakt particulary interesting for Heerema?

120 In his wildest dreams Heerema would want the NOC to be able to do business in the OFN and Sphere but neither of them are particularly interested in letting the NOC do business in their countries

121Who is his friend in Germany?

TBA but he's rather important his friend isn't that political, he's a businessman



122Would Heerema's friend have the easiest terms to do buisness in Ukraine?


123Can Heerema achieve success in expanding NOC influence in RKs Ostland,Moskowien,Kaukasien and NL? 123 very limited success

124Can investments of Heerema’s friend be important for Ukraine’s economy?

124 Yes

125Would Heerema’s Ukraine increase influence of his friend in Reich?

125 Yes

126Would Dutch make more than 10% or 20% percent of Kharkiv at the end of tno1?

126 TBD

127Can Heerema’s friendship with that guy collapse?

127 Yes

128How will Heerema react to slave revolt,escape or mass executions?

128 TBD

129Would native resistance winning in other RKs increase resistance in his Ukraine?

129 It'd be bad but his government wouldn't face too much instability from partisans winning elsewhere

130Would any NSB leader try to take some NOC profits from Heerema?

130 No one outside of the NOC

131Would Heerema support expansion of mining and petrochemic industry?

131 Yes to help make the NOC more self-sufficient in it's operations

132Would Heerema be very interested in increasing NOC presence in Crimea and can he achieve success in that?

132 Mostly as a tourist area for settlers

133How likely will that friendship be to collapse?

133 At some point the differences between him and his friend will become irreconcilable but Heerema has to keep the deals going for as long as he can to prop up the NOC

134Will friend's investments be different under Speer and Bormann?

Not that different again I want to avoid situations where content is vastly different between Fuhrers

135What would be the biggest difference for Heerema if he has to deal with either Speer and Bormann?

Flavour stuff and maybe some small econ effects

nothing drastic for the narrative

136Will Heerema interact with Kaukasien in any possible way?

136 I don’t have any planned interactions atm

137Can Heerema send his troops to any proxy?

137 No

138Will his Ukraine directly participate in any war besides UCW and slave revolt?

138 TBA

139Will Heerema have any uniques options in main Ukraine mechanic(if yes please say sth about it)?

139 Yes but I want to wait until the Breadbasket mechanic rework is leakable before I say anything about his unique options since it’s changed a lot

140Will managing NOC be done through mechanic,decisions or events?

140 There will be a mechanic for managing the Volksdirektorat including the NOC

141Will player see huge amounts of events showing him how he transforms hellhole into even bigger hellhole?

141 Of course

142Are there any circumstances that can lead to Crimea becoming part of Heerema’s Ukraine?

142 No

143How would Dutch people react to NOC winning UCW,would that make poorer people to willingly emigrate to Ukraine?

143 Heerema would try to attract settlers offering them land and cash and such

144Would Heerema try to expand NOC into South America(Argentina was said to might become pakt observer under Anchorena) or that’s too far for him?

144 I have plans for it but I need to talk to their TLs first

145Would Heerema have the possibility to develop friendship with any other RKs leaders, maybe Stahlecker?

145 Heerema would be interested solely in the business potential of working with other RK leaders

146Would Heerema prefer to deal with Saucken or Kaminski?

146 He’d prefer Saucken since Kaminski is too much of a wild card (though he wouldn’t help Saucken at all)

147Would settlers have better quality of life under Ohlendorf or Heerema?

147 Heerema if he succeeds

148Which paths would have 1st(Heerema?),2nd(Ohlendorf?) and 3rd biggest possible GDP?

148 1st Heerema, 2nd Ohlendorf, not sure about the third

149Would Heerema be focused on drainage of swamps?

149 Yeah Heerema would drain swamps especially if it allows for better infrastructure

150Would Heerema be for or against of integration of Netherlands into reich?

150 Against


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