Questions by Thrawniter,answers by Pacifica

1. Will the different Tomsk leaders appear in a Democratic Komi when they reunified Russia?
2. Will there be a peaceful unification possible between Dem Komi and Petlin in the Russian facelift?
3. Will there be new and unique subideologies in a Dem Komi run later in the game? Something like an Ultravisionary movement but in 1970?
4. Will you detail the brutal way of stabilising Komi?
5. Will you represent the mind changes of the Komi inhabitants with the stabilisation efforts of the Dem Komi parties?
1. Presently impossible to say, seeing as Tomsk lead wants to change some Tomsk lore, and it may make that impossible or not.
2. Yes, there should be. I just forgot Petlin existed when I coded it in.
3. Sovereign Democracy used to be a subideology of its own, but we made it into Social Nationalism/National Conservatism. I can't really name any unique subideologies I plan to add right now, I think all of Komi's democratic paths already fit decently into established subideologies.
4. That's what Stalina's path is for. Democratic Komi will be less stabilized by default after regional.
5. I intend to add events for this sort of thing, and to remove the Stalina event where she bans extremists from getting jobs or something like that.
6. Will some of the extremists ideologies try to institutionalise themselves in think tanks to let their ideologies survive after their parties got banned?
7. Will DemKomi's fail state involve the rise of more extremists and unique subideologies?
8. Will the party popularities in the newly acquired regions depend on the former controller? (F.e.: Western Siberia AuthDem with a unification under Sverdlovsk and Com with Tyumen)
9. Will DemKomi be able to get different levels of stabilisation and will those involve restrictions on GDP growth?
10. Will Agrarianism play a role in the new DemKomi?
6. Banning extremist parties wholesale now only happens under Despotist Stalina, and even AuthDem Stalina can only get a temporary interregnum on them.
7. DemKomi's failstate is the government being paralyzed and unable to pass legislation through any means.
8. Yes.
9. Intended to do so.
10. There's an agrarian socialist party, the RNP is already semi-agrarian, and the new Fascist party also idealizes agrarianism.
11. But would a paralyzed government not lead to new extremists ideologies that will say that they can fix that problem?
12. Do the extremists parties just consolidate on their own then in DemKomi?
13. What party would benefit from an Omsk Western Siberia?
14. Will there be any parties that will put the money from the sale of natural resources in a national fund like Norway?
15. Will the new SocDem party of Komi have a large public housing program?
11. It depends on the technical framework I use for generating parties.
12. They show up once certain conditions are fulfilled.
13. The VONV.
14. That's SocDems, as well as PSD.
15. Yes.
16. What is Bukharina's opinion on Onorato Damen?
17. Will Bukharina try and implement more organic co-operatives or more state-directed ones?
18. Will Bukharina peacefully unify with other socialist warlords?
19. Will Bukharina have a mechanic for the Battle against Illiteracy?
20. What is Bukharina's opinion on reworked Sablin?
16. I'd need to talk to Italy team.
17. Probably more "organic" ones, but I haven't completed my research.
18. Sablin, maybe.
19. I feel like it isn't major enough to warrant a mechanic.
20. They could probably peacefully re-unify, but one of them is probably going to end up in jail afterwards. I think I wrote an event about this, but it got lost with my old account.
26. Can you already name one bad thing of Kardashev's path?
27. Will Kardashev be able to succeed with the ending of the Cultural Revolution?
28. What's Chelomei's role in Kardashev's USSR?
29. Will Chelomei also try and create fusion power?
30. Will there be some interesting events if both Speer's Germany creates NetzRAM and Kardashev creates the Soviet internet?
26. Special Circumstances shadow state.
27. I'm in two minds about this.
28. Gets internally exiled to Orenburg.
29. He'll focus on fission.
30. Soviet internet won't be until TNO2, I think.
31. What is the purpose of Orenburg in Ultravisionary Komi?
32. Will the Ultravisionaries try and create a public housing program like Singapure?
33. Who is Furtseva?
34. Will the Ultravisionary Socialist economy experience a collapse in the timespan of TNO1 and TNO2?
35. Will the Ultravisionaries get a special economic subtype?
31. Nothing particularly special, but we're moving Malenkov to the Ultravisionary path in a role that I won't explain yet. Also, there's some claimed "Anarcho-Ultravisionarists" there that Special Circumstances subverts and mops up.
32. More like Khrushchev.
33. The Foreign Minister, and the architect of the superculture development program. A strong Chelomeite.
34. TNO1, TNO2 depends.
35. Probably not, Planned Economy works.
36. Will the "Anarcho-Ultravisionaries" receive a special subideology?
37. Will the "Anarcho-Ultravisionaries" be a path?
38. Can the "Anarcho-Ultravisionaries" ally themselves with Kardashev?
39. What is the goal of the "Anarcho-Ultravisionaries"?
40. Can you prevent the rise of the "Anarcho-Ultravisionaries"?
36. No.
37. No.
38. No.
39. I see them as wanting a society like The Culture.
40. In 100% of games, yes.
41. Will the Ultravisionaries create special public housing architecture like the Khrushchyovka?
42. Will there be unique interactions between the Modernists and the Ultravisionaries?
43. Will the foreign policy of the Ultravisionaries interact with the Cultural Revolution GUI?
44. Will many people try and flee the United Soviet Federations?
45. Will you give Kardashev and Chelomei different subideology descriptions?
41. Yes.
42. Maybe, although both of them would hate each other.
43. I don't think there's enough Russian foreign policy in the early stages of the game to warrant that imo, maybe.
44. Why would you ever want to flee, comrade? :howcompelling:
45. Maybe, but their ideologies aren't too different as to really justify that.
46. Will there be more interactions between the Suslov and the WRRF?
47. What is the relationship between Suslov and Damen on the international stage?
48. How will Suslov react to peaceful unifications between him and other communist unifiers?
49. Can you tell us anything about the new Suslov GUI?
50. Will Suslov's story have a special twist to it in the Komi facelift?
46. Maybe, unsure if I'll be able to get it in or not.
47. Who?
48. Favorably, I imagine him being a diplomatic sort.
49. No.
50. I like his current story, honestly. Maybe I'll expand it.