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Komi Facelift Q'n'A part 2

Questions by Thrawniter,answers by Pacifica

51. Will we get something like primaries for DemKomi parties?

52. Will different presidents depend on their predeccessors?

53. Which party will create the strongest economy in DemKomi?

54. Which party will create the strongest military in DemKomi?

55. Can the Utopian Socialists of Tomsk create their own party in Komi?

51. No, simply because it would take an amazing amount of work.

52. Eh, I don't think Russia's structure could allow that. I'd like it to, but it may not be viable.

53. Depends.

54. PSD.

55. In theory, yes. In practice, I can only have one party per ideology, and the Socialist ideology is already taken up by the S-Rs at that stage.

56. Will a strong ConDem party in Komi curb the influence of the far-right parties?

57. Are the ConDems split between National Conservatives and Liberal Conservatives?

58. What is the economic policy of the ConDem party?

59. Is there any environmentalism strain in the conservative ideology of Komi like the Decembrists?

60. What party would try and create a powerful navy for Komi?

56. As with all things, it depends. Probably not.

57. I planned them before Conservative/LibCon split, so I need to figure that out.

58. Interventionism.

59. Yes. Shafarevich and the Russian National Party are the most environmentalist party. The SRs are also pretty environmentalist, but not as much as RNP.

60. PSD, maybe, but none would really care.

61. Will we see some kind of Left-Wing Eurasianism?

62. Will Gumilyov survive the crackdown of the extremists parties?

63. Which party is the most anti-Japanese one?

64. Will there be any party that will create their own faction in Dem Komi?

65. Can the ConDems try and get some members of the RNP to vote for their agendy by carving to them in some aspects? Maybe environmental ones?

61. Not in the plans.

62. Yes.

63. Probably PSD.

64. Probably not until we finish working out how OFN works.

65. I intend for this.

66. Will Yeltsin have any appearances in DemKomi?

67. Will we see foreign state visits by the presidents of Komi?

68. Will any party in Dem Komi try and participate in the space race?

69. Will we see any party that will create institutes for applied sciences to strengthen the high-tech sector in Russia?

70. Is there any prohibistionist party?

66. TBA.

67. They already do that.

68. They have bigger priorities.

69. SMR and maybe DSNP.

70. No.

SMR is the party that focuses most heavily on education.

71. What party would get increased support from a Yagoda Far East?

72. Does the SMR have a technocratic wing?

73. Will any party try and introduce affirmative action for the minorities in Russia?

74. Can there be options where certain parties split into new parties?

75. Which party is most successful in cracking down upon the Russian addiction crisis?

71. KPRR or DSNP.

72. Sort of.

73. SMR is the most pro minority party. Also the SRs/KPRR.

74. Currently all party formations are scripted.

75. I couldn't tell you atm.

76. Will we get to explore the extra-parliamentary left in DemKomi?

77. Will we see the rise of a "New Left" in Komi after their failure to take power?

78. Will a party try and build a new monument to celebrate their victory with a unique 3d model on the map?

79. Can DemKomi face a famine because of their failed agricultural policy?

80. Which party would subsidise cultural programs the most?

76. Somewhat, maybe an event or two.

77. That's the SRs.

78. Probably not.

79. Doubtful.

80. SMR or PSD, but for different groups. SMR minority cultures, PSD Russian culture.

81. Is it possible to establish different party systems? Like a two party system or a two larger parties and a few smaller parties system?

82. Will Neocommunism play a role in DemKomi?

83. How will Left-Wing Serov's content look like?

84. Can Serov create an International now?

85. Will Ordosocialism play a role in a DemKomi playthrough?

81. No, too much divergence.

82. Probably not.

83. TBA.

84. Desirable but TBA.

85. Yes, surprisingly.

86. Can any minorities try and revolt under certain parties?

87. Will this new Ordosocialism in a DemKomi be called "Neo-Ordosocialism"?

88. Will this new Ordosocialism's characteristics depend on the actions of the reigning parties?

89. Can any Russia become a beacon of free-trade?

90. Will some view the old Soviets as "conservatives" in a DemKomi because of their history?

86. No, but there is an Islamic party which can grow in response to PSD shenanigans.

87. No.

88. It's more rightist Ordosocialism.

89. SMR Russia.

90. Ehhh, maybe some SRs, but doubtful.

91. How different will Ivan Morozov's policies be different from Kosygin's policies?

92. Can any party mandate worker representation by putting half of them on company boards?

93. Will any party try and create an "Employee Stock Ownership Program"?

94. What party would benefit from an Anarchist Orenburg the most?

95. Can this Islamic party get anything from their electoral plattform passed?

91. Not too different.

92. Maybe DSNP.

93. The leftists, probably.

94. SRs.

95. TBD.

96. Will we see the rise of Left-Wing Christian democracy in a DemKomi path?

97. What is the relationship between the Orthodox Church and DemKomi?

98. Will there be any mechanism in place so that the extremists parties will always be a danger to your government?

99. Can Komi ever truly stabalise?

100. Will any parties try and create a megaproject like the Tomsk salons?

96. Most ChristDems end up in the Right.

97. Some parties would like it more than others. The PNV (fascists) are theocratic, RNP and VNS are pro-church.

98. I sort of want this.

99. Hopefully!

100. No, they're not that idealist.


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