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Speer's facelift QnA nr 1

Asked by Thrawnite,answered by Janey

1. What does Speer's ideal economic structure look like?

1. something of a mix between no megacorps full reform and free market economy w/megacorps - obv he wants economic prosperity but megacorps are a double edged sword so he wont try to piece them back if they're gone

2. How will Speer's military reforms be different from the Go4 military reforms?

2. mostly same streamlining and cutting excess out of wehrmacht out, point of contention is that he doesnt like the notion of apolitical military and wants them to be loyal to the fuhrer

3. Which faction does Speer like more? Technocrats or Party Man?

3. none, they're all devoted followers of him with slight deviations, he doesn't want to favour any and balances them out to ensure theres no factionalism

4. Can we decide the succeeding faction in TNO1?

4. no, the 'split' between speerites is still fresh in tno1, and he can exert authority to keep them in line

5. Will Speer expand the German Space Program beyond a second Moon landing?

5. TBD

6. Will Speer have architecture content beyond finishing Germania?

6. yes

7. Would Speer support Leibbrandt or Ohlendorf in Ukraine?

7. dont want to give concrete comments since theyre still in design and i dont have their views memorized

8. Will the technocrats be viewed as Technocratic Nazism in game or something else?

8. reform natsoc, all speerites fall under this

9. How would the NSDAP look like if the Party Man could reforge it?

9. literally same as it is rn

10. How will Speer see the Ba'athist movement?

10. dont care, he cares most about Germany

11. Can Helmut Schmidt become chancellor in a Go4 Germany?

11. spoiler lol not gonna tell

12. Will the Greens or something like their movement make an appearance in TNO2? 12. the greens proper didnt exist as a cohesive party irl until around the late 70s or so, but i do want to showcase the environmentalist movement more

13. Will Speer refine/develop the Nazi architectural style?

13. yes

14. Will a Speer loss in the WRW2 be very different from an Oberländer loss in the WRW2?

14. tno2 stuff

15. Will you also detail the allies of Oberländer in EN?

15. yes, but 'allies' is stretching it

16. How would Speer reform the Zollverein without the influence of the Go4?

16. directly turn it to an apparatus to tie in nations in it to germany - similar to gamestart pakt but obviously more fair (somewhat)

17. What is the difference between Speer's technocratic allies and the subideology "Technocratic Nazism"?

17. theyre both technocrats, but speerite technocrat directly follow reformed natsoc rather than 'orthodox' natsoc like the subid does

18. Will Speer restart the Germanisation efforts in Eastern Europe?

18. nope, money pit and failed project

19. Can Speer's policy towards Japan be more detailed than right now?

19. generally want to make forpol more detailed overall

20. Will the Speerite focus icons look more like Nazi propaganda like Oberländer's?

20. depends, i dont do icons much now

21. What will this collapse look like? 21. not telling

22. Will we get that collapse in EN?

22. yes

23. Will that collapse eventually get content?

23. ties in to an existing path so yes

24. Will that collapse involve the punished people of the Sondergericht?

24. no

25. Will this collapse be a bit dynamic depending on which faction was the strongest?

25. not really, but i do want the setup of it to change slightly mechanically in the future


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