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Argentina QnA nr0

Mix of argentina questions answered by Lonard and Tinieblas

How far are you?

frondizi and guido are somewhat devved rn

What do you mean by "somewhat"?

they have their initial focus trees in and most planning is made, we just need to polish what was done and do the content for the end of their terms

What about the other paths? Do they have plans?

yeah, most paths are planned

Does Argentina have a senate/parliament mechanic?

with both chamber, and god willing a supreme court

Is the Argentinean part of the SACW GUI ready?

Not for now

Do you think that there is a chance that full Argentina content could be ready in nine months?

personally yes, but I hardly can accurately predict what will happen in 9 months

What is currently the biggest problem in Argentina's development?

lack of mechanics (both code and design) to work on, though that was mostly resolved during the last weeks

so from now on development should be a lot faster

also, research

60s argentine history is stupidly obscure

What do you think is the "worst" Dem Argentina path?

Martinovic is pretty much the worse because he is leigitimately an insane person

like he jumped out of a window and killed himself

Is Cipriano Reyes more of an independent or does he lean for any world power?

Neoperonist coalition has frigerio in it so pro-Japan, relatively

im assuming none of the argentinina military guys are really loyal to the position of president, because they are all very coup happy

thats what azules and colorados was about

which is funny because the azules then basically backtracked and said "actually coups are ok if we do them."

but all of guido's goverment otl was the military dealing with that problem of their officer corps being coupilled

Can any Dem Argentina curb the influence of the trade unions?

yeah, particularly Hardoy, the socialists don't want to curb their power, but they do want to change the way they elect their leaders (so they stop being all peronists)


He was a senile imbecile whose only goverment plan was to raise public spending for the purposes of distributing administrative posts and create an UCR party machine that made tammany hall lnew york ook like a vibrant multiparty democracy, repeatedly got involved in internal military affairs, ordered massive fraud in at least one election, assassinated elected governors he didn't like and removed all the ones he couldn't assasinate by decree, etc.

UCRI was a meme and arguably didn't really exist

Illia is a good Radical, he was gravely irresponsible in some of the things he did and the attitudes he took toward the impending possibility of a coup, but i'd say he's by far the best UCRP president

Reyes hates Peron, he is the Neoperonist candidate (Neoperonists are Peronists who don't wan't Peron)

No, frondizi destroyed the UCR because he wanted to be the candidate, and he didn't get to be it. So he created a bullshit party called UCRI and won elections with peronist votes. Then he lost control of UCRI while he was in jail and created another party named MID

Although i have to say frondizi was not actually couped. The military didn't want to go trough the embarrasment of doing so, so there was a 10 day crisis until Frondizi suggested himself that he be arrested, so that the succesion law could be activiated

WHY frondizi was couped?

incredibly big brain situation that involved him angering the military by allowing peronist to vote, and then angering them more by declaring the elections void when they won

his plan

Frondizi plan otl was basically to ask poggi to please force him to ban Peronism so he wouldn’t look bad by doing it himself

that the military would force him to prohibit them from voting, so that way he could look good and not be couped. In fact he asked them to force him to do that. They said no.

i don't understand

Yeah the military didn't either. Frondizi got elected on the promise to let peronist vote. He didn't/couldn't for the first few years of his goverment, but decided he would say he would for legislative/provincial elections in 1962. The plan was it wouldn't matter because the military would force him to go back, in which case he could have his cake and eat it too. But the parts of the military who wanted an excuse to coup him did nothing so the peronists would win and then they'd have an excuse.

for you to have an idea,

after Frondizi was couped, he was kept in prison until illia won the elections the following year, when illia ordered him released. The day after his release frondizi went to a dinner at Mariano Grondona's house with General Sanchez and asked him to start plans to coup the government

montoneros were infiltrated, they were communists and pretended to be peronists, then somehow were surprised when Peron didn't like them

what you have to understand is that argentine democracy is basically rigged by Frondizi such that they all have to adjust more or less to his (and frigerio's) economic big brain developmentalist master plan

i mean like, coups are an accepted part of the Argentine political system at this stage, 6 years of FN are a notable improvement

Can Argentinean democracy suffer because of Frigerio's actions?

Frente Nacional is a pretty good way to ensure democracy does work - once it comes back - but its basically putting it on hold, because the FN is a sort of YSK-lite

How is Frigerio then a good outcome?

well it prevents a coup from happening at all, and his economic programme is undoubtedly the best

But he suspens democracy for that?

not it exists, its just redundant because FN has a supermajority in everything and its straightjacketed by a series of conditions imposed by the Azules

for like 6 years, which is what a presidential term lasts

What’s Fash Peron and Anchorenas FoPo

germany good, Japan ok, USA bad

But no Einheitspakt Argentina

not for Peron, maybe observer, Anchorena possibly


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