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Brazil QnA nr4

Sid McMath's questions, answers Gukpa Rapop

151Would Quadros after successful gambit(or any other president after 100 days crisis) seek the way to curtail army powers?

151) No

152Who would succeed Costa e Silva after his coup against Castelo Branco and thrombosis, the same like irl(junta and then Medici)?

152 Yes, but it is not obligatory for Médici to take power, there are a few outcomes

153What would happen with prominent Sorbonne members after Costa e Silva coup?

153 Same as OTL, remain on guard and trying to take power

154Which SA country could be considered the least important during SACW,Colombia,Venezuela or Suriname?

154 Suriname since it is the smallest

155Would Jango be on the good terms with non-fascist Peron?

155 Yep, Peron is more liked in Brazil than in Argentina since we don't have half of the population hating him and those who know him, admire him

156What were the conditions of agreement for 1950 elections between PSP and UDN, besides Café Filho becoming VP?

156) Cafe Filho wasnt VP there was no deal, it was UDN only ticket

157Can JK have achieve hyperinflation(more than 50% inflation)?

157 Yes, and that is very likely

158Can Braga be called sane Quadros?

158 Yup, sane and responsible, also a better person overral

159Which faction Braga like the most?

159 OFN

160What is Braga’s economic policy like?

160) Social state economics

161Does Brizola’s economic policy combine both developmentalism and socialism?

161 It does, it pushes more towards developmentalism

162Is Neves pro-OFN or he prefer brazilian non-alingment?

162 He prefers non alignment, however every president can decide to join a block

163Would Quadros become the geography teacher again if he loses in 65?

163 Nah, he remains in politics unless the junta happens, then he turns into a painter like OTL

164Does PSB support Jango and Brizola?

164 Yes, both

165Which president achieving mediocre results would still be liked by the people and which wouldn’t?

165 JK since he has a strong and friendly personality, and Quadros, he was a massive failure OTL

166Shouldn’t Brazil start as OFN observer, considering Gomes “sought progressive alingment towards the OFN”?

166) They do now

167Would PDC have chance to have more deputies than UDN after Quadros’s success?

167 Yes, but this is open to the player or the AI, Quadros can succed earlier

168Would success of every 65 president make his party 70 candidate more likely to be elected?

168 Absolutely

169Would Lacerda try to compromise with more moderate and reformist members of his party(e.g. passing some token reforms) to keep the party unity?

169 Yes

170 Would Reformas de Base make Brazil welfare state/close to become welfare state?

170 Is is the strongest south american welfare state, and yes they gonna turn into something akin to what you expect from the first world

171 In which path Alfonso Arinoso would be more influential: Lacerda’s or Quadros’s?

171 Quadros, since he is a Lusotropicalist like Affonso Arinos

172Does Quadros have support of any army generals or they all view him as clown?

172 They see him as a clown

173Are there any uncorrupted/little corrupted members of Adhemar’s cabinet, besides Edna Lott?

173 No, they are closer to a mafia than an actual government

174Will only Jango appoint Ribeiro as 1st army leader?

174 AFAIK, yes

175In which democratic path Hardliners would become the most powerful, Adhemar’s?

175 Lacerda

176Will only Jango appoint “people’s admiral” Candido Aragao as Commander-General of Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais?

176 Yes

177Would Quadros have the lowest inflation?

177 No, this is decided by the player

178Would Amazonas be on a good terms with Suslov or Kaganovich?

178 Yes, his main enemy are capitalist nations, not socialist ones

179Which path would develop Amazonian region the most?

179 The dictatorship, most likely 179.2 Which industry would they support there,rubber and wood?

Normal industry, Manaus became one of Brazil most important industrial hubs, Google "polo industrial de Manaus"

180Would any brazilian leader be on good terms with Stroessner?

180 The dictatorship

181Would Lacerda fund Montoneros to destabilize CPS /Peron Argentina?

181) No

182Would Amazonas be on good terms with Che?

182 Yes, they might cooperate to bring down capitalism in Latin America

183 Do you have any idea for 75 candidates(if yes, i beg you for at least one surname)?

183) Yes and you get one surname, Vargas Jr

184 Do JK and Frondizi like each other(I guess thay met somewhere between 1958-60)?

184 yes, Frondzi was nicknamed "the Argentinian JK"

185Would JK built highways to Paraguay or Uruguay(like to Guiana-Cayenne) to increase brazilian influence there?

185) No

186Would Jango be on good terms with Seoane and Allende?

186 Yes, but he would take care since the Brazilian right is macarthyist to a sick level, so no praise to prevent outrage

187Would greater amount of leftist leaders in SA countries make them less likely to get couped?

187 Each country has their own context, so no.

188Which path would promote development of railways?

188 Many paths can do that

189Would JK or any other path build any subway?

189 TNO1 is quite early for subways, they are a mid 1970s thing for Brazil

190Which US leader would be on the best terms with Quadros and which on the worst?

190 All of them gonna have attrition due the US supremacist views towards Latin American nations, to the point that even left wingers like RFK and LBJ had some pretty disgusting views on their base of support. The worst towards Quadros, and maybe everyone else, is probably going to be Kirkpatrick. Yockey is ten times worse than her, but he never will be electable under normal circumstances, so we ain't counting on him. 191 Can Bolivia regain access to sea or full control of Gran Chaco?

191) Cant say

192Will TT3/IE add skeleton content for Haiti and Dominican Republic?

192) Yes

193What is Quadros attitude towards left wing sergent movement?

193 He hates them, but his actions toward them are up to you

194Would any president try to reform public administration(like Vargas planned in 50s irl)?

194) Yes

195Will Brazil got events with brazilian presidents reactions to political changes in all SA countries(coups,elections, wars etc.)?

195 Yes

196Would Lutero Vargas be influential in PTB paths?

196 He cannot and will not be able to be electable as a president, but yes he's a main figure

197How does inflation in brazil in 1945-55 looks in tno in comparision to irl?

197 Slightly smaller since the Brazilian economy is bigger

198Does Getulio Vargas Junior prefer CPS or OFN?

198 CPS.

199What does Brizola think about Peron?

199 "This guy is insane"

200How surprised would be Lacerda when he ends his term and see Hall or Yoceky elected?


200.5 Will any brazilian leader visit Yorkshire?


201 Can Peru reconquer Arica in IE?

I dont know

202Could that be said Adhemar would apply the same policies as in Sao Paulo to Brazil?

202 Yes. He basically had Sao Paulo as the testing ground of the stuff he gonna do at Brazil.

Please, don't see people as evil, everyone, even Adhemar and the hard-line really believe that they are doing the positive stuff

203 Would New Granada like Salgado and Anchorena?

203) Yes

204Would Amazonas like Salcedo Unda?

204) Yes

205 Can Pinilla be swayed by either Argentina or Brazil?

205) Yes but it isnt a key factor in the SACW

206Would Salcedo Unda like Lacerda?

206) No

207Would any democratic president of Brazil prefer to deal Gomez Castro to Salcedo Unda?

207) Most Unda, others would prefer Pinilla

208Can Gomez Castro be swayed by either Argentina or Brazil?

208) No

209Will Salcedo Unda join OFN?

209) I dont know

210 do colombia and venezuela could be said to be on the peripheries of SACW?

210) Yes

211 What Quadros think about Reform Bureaucrats?

211 He has no idea of who they are, so he gonna see just as the appointment of a new Japanese PM

212Would Quadros like Ikeda Hayato the most out of Japan PMs?

212) Dont know

213Would Adhemar like Wallace and Konoe?

213 Wallace? Absolutely not. He's hated

214Is Adhemar the most pro-FF president, considering he invites de Gaulle to Brazil?

214 yes, he's a Francophile, like the Brazilian elite from the old Republic where he was raised

215Would Quadros like Odria and Prat?

215 Yes

216What are the most significant differences between Adhemar and Vargas Junior?

216) Adhemar is more corrupt and Vargas Jr is more left wing economically

217Would left wing sergeant movement ally with Amazonas?

217) Yes

218Would left wing sergeant movement try to revolt against Lacerda after he coups Jango or he would immediately purge them?

218) :speertroll: they will play a role

219Would left wing sergeant movement be together with constitutionalists the leading military faction in Jango’s and Brizolas’s presidencies?

219) Depends if the Lott act passes

220Which 65 president have the 2nd lowest poverty rate after Jango?

220) Kubitschek or Lacerda

221Can Santa Cruz become brazilian puppet or it always is reintegrated into Bolivia(after Tripartite invasion)?

221) How do you know about Santa cruz :woeisme: (always integrated into Bolivia)

222Can Quadros economic advisors keep his economic policies coherent and stable?

222) They try their best

223Does Boss Nova of UDN support second Programa de Metas?

223) Yes I will need to read more

224 is out of 4 new TT3 coups, 3 are just the same like current ig but happening under circumstances and only 1 is totally new?

224) There is only 1 new coup in TT3, the other three are the already existing ones

225Would some members of Grupo Compacto ally with Amazonas?

225) Maybe

226Would Lacerda like Ordaz and Bennet the most out of american leaders?

226) Yes

227Would Lacerda ban trade with CPS and Pakt?

227) Not with the sphere, its already embargoing the pakt

228Would JK like LBJ the most out of 64 US presidents?

288) Yes

229Would Quadros agrarian reform be significantly stronger than Lott’s?

229) No

230Would Lacerda send brazilian troops to every proxy to support USA?

230) No

231Would Lacerda try to install friendly dictator in Paraguay afte Tripartite invasion?

231) Yes

232Is formation of Mercosur necessary for Brazil and Argentina to achieve the biggest possible GDP?

232) No

233Would Amazonas be on good terms with PALF?

233) Yes

234Would formation of RB lead to other countries e.g. Uruguay leaving brazilian sphere?

234) Yes

235Is Adhemar the one that would preserve the starting system of Brazil the most?

235) No

236Is the war between the Ecuador and Peru one of the possible proxies in IE?

236) No

237Can Delfim Netto become economic advisor of any democratic president, maybe Lacerda?

237) Yes, not lacerda

238Which president have the most effective healthcare?

238) Goulart

239Which president would spend the most on education?

239) Goulart

240Would any president build the statue of Vargas with size similar to Christ the Redeemer in Rio?

240) Lmao no


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