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Portugal Q'n'A Part 2

Questions by Thrawniter, answers by PunkRadio

51. Do the Social Democrats in the Kingdom of Portugal have enough support to lead the government?


52. Do the Liberals in the Kingdom of Portugal have enough support to lead the government?


53. Do the Conservatives in the Kingdom of Portugal have enough support to lead the government?


54. Why would the Italian-aligned warlord not join their faction?

54-there is no Italian aligned warlord in Portugal

55. Does the OFN have the option to support both or only one of the Portuguese warlords (Kingdom of Portugal and the Portuguese Republic)?

55-it can't directly support either but it can support a different faction from those 2

56. Would the Kingdom of Portugal have a stronger far-right than the Portuguese Republic?


57. How strong is the Integralist's influence in both the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Portugal?

57-relatively strong in the Kingdom, not at all in the Republic

58. Is Syndicalism still strong in Portugal?

58-no, unless you mean National-Syndicalism

59. What will Salazar's legacy be viewed as in the Kingdom of Portugal?

59-mixed at best though not as bad as OTL

60. What will Salazar's legacy be viewed as in the Portuguese Republic?

60-same answer as above

61. Will the Kingdom of Portugal become a party system with two major parties and a few smaller minor ones?

61-multiple party system

62. Will the Portuguese Republic become a party system with two major parties and a few smaller minor ones?

62-they just copy the old French system

63. Can the National-Syndicalists come into power in the Kingdom of Portugal?

63-yes they're the integralists

64. Why is there no Integralist movement in the Portuguese Republic?

64-because they only grow in power significantly after the end of the war

65.Can Salazar survive TNO1?


66. Will the Liberals try and build a coalition with the Social Democrats in the Kingdom of Portugal?


67. Will the Liberals try and build a coalition with the Conservatives in the Kingdom of Portugal?


68. Will the Liberals try and build a coalition with the Integralists in the Kingdom of Portugal?


69. Who's the larger power bloc in the Kingdom of Portugal: the Social Democrats or the Conservatives?

69-Conservatives, but they're divided between two groups

70. Would any party try and build a coalition with the Integralists?


71. How are the Portuguese Integralists different from the Brazilian Integralists?

71-I don't want to comment without the Brazil team here

72. What is the economic policy of the Portuguese Integralists?


73. What is the Integralists' view on the democratic institutions of the Kingdom of Portugal?

73-they love them, the Integralists are so Democratic that some even back Direct Democracy

74. Is there a chance that the Integralists won't form after the end of the Iberian Wars?


75. Will the Integralists have a unique subideology in game?


76. What is the foreign policy of the Portuguese Integralists?


77. Would the Integralists' economic policy lead to a Portuguese economic collapse?


78. What is the Integralists' policy towards social housing?

78-pretty good

79. What policies would the Integralists let the people vote on through direct democracy?

79-none they can't do that in TNO1

80. Would other parties resist the Integralists' government?

80-almost none


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